


It is one of the very well-known physical therapy which helps you in relieving body aches/pains/sprains/stretched muscles. Think about getting physiotherapy if you have an injury or chronic pain that affects how you function every day.

Problems often treated by this are neck/back pains, problems in joints/bones/ligaments, Lung problems like asthma, pelvic issues, fatigue, swelling, and stiffness. This list is non-exhaustive and contains many other issues which can be treated by this therapy.

  • Reduces pain
  • Helps in avoiding surgery and drugs
  • Improves overall strength
  • Improves cardiovascular functioning
  • Helps in sports-related injuries


Chiropody is the health care profession that evaluates and treats foot conditions. Physicians, as well as other healthcare professionals, often refer their patients for consultation when it comes to matters of the feet. These professionals work in different conditions like Bony Foot Deformities Subcutaneous Lesions, corn / Callus / Warts, Nail Conditions, Biomechanical Dysfunctions, etc.

A chiropodist helps you in the following:

  • Relief of foot pain
  • Treatment and provision of orthoses
  • Use of techniques including minor surgery using local anaesthetics
  • Routine care of problem nails, corns, and callus
  • Podiatry assessments and treatments


A psychologist is a person who studies and helps to alleviate mental stresses and depressed conditions. Psychologists use an assortment of approaches to aid people in diverse conditions. A common approach is providing psychotherapy, which is a type of talk therapy to help people handle signs and recover their well-being. They recommend talking therapies and exercises that are best suited for mild mental conditions, and this is all done through careful observation and counselling with their patients.
They help in the following ways:

  • Dealing with addiction
  • Treating depression and anxiety symptoms
  • Diagnosing and treating autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • Supporting people with dementia
  • Diagnosing and treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Dealing with sleep issues

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